Domestic Violence Counseling

What is Domestic Violence?

Domestic violence, commonly known as intimate partner violence (IPV), constitutes a pervasive pattern of behaviors wherein one partner seeks to exert power and control over the other in the context of an intimate relationship.

This form of abuse encompasses physical, sexual, emotional, and financial dimensions, creating a complex web of victimization. It is crucial for those experiencing any form of abuse to recognize that they are not to blame for their partner’s actions and that support services are available. Identifying the signs of abuse is pivotal in seeking help and breaking the cycle of violence. Friends and loved ones can contribute significantly by offering non-judgmental support to those facing domestic violence. The impact of abuse extends beyond physical harm, often leaving enduring psychological scars. Addressing this issue requires a collective effort to raise awareness, promote education, and foster a supportive community that actively works towards preventing and eliminating domestic violence.

Warning Signs of Domestic Violence:

We Are Here To Help!

WEF offers free, individual counseling and case management for survivors of domestic abuse. Trained professionals provide confidential one-on- one counseling, which allows clients who are (or have been) victims of domestic violence an opportunity to begin the healing process.

Case management services are also provided. An individualized plan is developed with each person focusing on their immediate safety, and addressing related issues. This plan then serves as a reference point for monitoring progress.

We help clients gain access to critical resources for housing, employment, education and training, child care, legal issues, budgeting and safety planning. In addition, the Support Center staff reaches out to many other organizations that may come in contact with people who are dealing with domestic violence to acquaint them with the supports and services available.