

Why Volunteer with Us

Join us in fostering connections, amplifying voices, and encouraging the unique brilliance within each woman. Together, we can create a world where every woman thrives.


Empowered women empower women. When you volunteer with WEF, your support, encouragement, and collaboration with other women create a powerful ripple effect that uplifts us all. Together, we can break barriers, shatter ceilings, and build a world where every woman’s strength is celebrated.


Strength is not just in standing alone, but in standing together. By supporting and uplifting one another, we unleash a collective power that knows no bounds. Let’s celebrate each other’s victories, amplify each other’s voices, and inspire the world with our unity.


Enrich the lives of those around you through the transformative power of support. Be a source of strength, a beacon of inspiration, and a pillar of support. In uplifting those around you, By supporting WEF you contribute to a richer, more compassionate world where everyone has the opportunity to flourish.

How to get involved


Offer your time and skills to support WEF activities.


Even small donations can make a significant difference. You can make one-time donations or set up regular contributions.


Organize or participate in fundraising events. This could include charity runs, food drives with local restaurants, or crowdfunding campaigns to help WEF raise funds for its programs.

Pro Bono Services

Offer your professional skills pro bono. For example, if you have legal, medical, marketing, or accounting expertise, we appreciate receiving professional services without charge.


If you represent a business or organization, explore partnership opportunities. This could involve collaborating on projects, sponsoring events, or providing resources.

Attend Events

Participate in WEF events and activities. This not only shows your support but also helps you understand the organization’s mission and impact better.

Skill-Based Mentorship

Offer to teach a skill or lead a workshop relevant to your expertise. This can be a valuable contribution.

Spread the Word

Help raise awareness by sharing information about the nonprofit on your social media platforms, among friends, and in your community.